Sullivan is the sweetest. I love his style and his personality. Check out his short film called, The Apprentice. So good.

Stef is a professional model. You can find her on commercials, music videos, and more. Love this girl.

William is an amazing actor. My favorite movie of his would be The Chronicles of Narnia. It will never get old.

Shane is hilarious. I think the best shoots are when I end up laughing. Check out his movies and his new (2020) show called, High Town on STARZ. Congrats and cheers to more!

Photographing Elena like all my other clients is amazing. She knows how to engage well in any setting. I end up wanting to use almost all the photos I take of her because she’s that beautiful. Cheers to more gigs in the future!

I love Sam. She’s a professional dancer, a fitness trainer, and a wellness coach. She is so beautiful inside that her external stewardship brings comfort to those around her. You can check out her website at wwwww.shapedbysam.com